
Saturday, April 10, 2010

I've had a busy day! I woke up early....made myself a smoothie (frozen strawberries that I froze last year, small banana, agave nectar, and a splash of milk), put it in my glass and headed out to my weigh in. I gained 4/10ths of a pound. I'm ok with that. I wish it were different...but I'm ok with it. I left my meeting and went right to the gym. I have been walking 3 minutes and then jogging 2 minutes for a total of 30 minutes. Today I went to 46 minutes...and I did walk 2 minutes and jog 3 minutes. And I made it!! I also did weights! so a good day at the gym. After that I went to hang out with my mom for the day. Nice and relaxing. I just got I'm going to bed!!! It's been a long day! More deep thoughts tomorrow (haa haa my thoughts are deep!)


  1. Great job at the gym! I am too afraid to even try to jog witht he pain in my knee lately. Need to of these days! Keep up the good work!
