
Saturday, April 03, 2010

Happy or sad...that is the question

Should I be happy or sad? I'm conflicted. Why am I conflicted???? Well, I think I alluded to the fact that at midweek my weight was showing down by about 3 pounds. I was tickled. I stayed within my points for the latter part of the week, however addmittedly with a few extra carbs. So I stepped onto the scales this morning at my meeting. 1.6 pounds down. YAY!!!! 1.6 pounds!!!! 1.6 pounds is a really healthy weight loss for a week!!! But wait just a cotton pickin' minute. 1.6 pounds is NOT 3 pounds! What the heckeroo???? Give me my 3 stinkin' pounds!!!!! I earned 38 freakin' activity points this past week!!!! I was an activity producing demon! My scales were showing 3 pounds!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAA But like I said, I'm conflicted....even as I typed my waaaaa, I was going....YAY 1.6 pounds!

So I'm going to take the YAY and just be happy with my loss!

Resisting the bake sale again while I'm here at work!


  1. Try not to focus too much on the scale. We went out for Chinese food on my birthday last weekend and I was up 2.5 lbs. for a couple of days. A few days of gulping lots of water took care of it. Who knows, maybe you ate a lot of pickles, peanut butter, etc..this week and just had a little extra sodium in your system. Have you been drinking your water like a good girl? LOL!

  2. Congrats on th loss. Remeber the scale is just a moment in time.

    Take it and run with it!

  3. I know you were looking for that #3 pounds gone, but 1.6#'s is great! Congrats! Slow...but sure will keep it off. We'll see what my scale shows tomorrow. You have WAY more activity points than me!

  4. Happy!! 1.6 is a great loss!
