
Monday, November 30, 2009

Nearing the end of my weight loss week

Ok, so I haven't written as much the last few days. It's not because I've forgoten my plan and fallen off the wagon. I've been actually totally on target with what I need to do to lose. I had two goals for my week. And my week runs Tuesday to Tuesday in regards to my weight loss...just matching it up to my weight watcher meeting that I attend. So anyway, I had two goals.

1. Get through Thanksgiving Day week (with the meal) and show a loss on the scales.....a BIG loss
2. Exercise 4 times.

Well, lets tackle number two first. Exercise. What's that???? I was not a total sluggard. I cleaned the house and cooked (we had Thanksgiving dinner at my house) so I was on my feet for hours on end. We also worked outside one day on our sheds. So I was relatively active. But did I, I have to say no.

My other goal....the showing a loss....I don't want to get too excited, but it looks possible.

Thanksgiving day.....all of my talk and thoughts about my food addiction paid off. I sat back a few days before the meal (many days actually) and thought about the foods typically at T-day meals. I started to think about which of those foods actually held importance for me. Which foods I would really want and which foods I was eating just because. Because I thought about this....and thought about these foods and my relationship with them, I was able to plan out my eating for the day. And I will say that I stuck with it....and was happy with it!


  1. Good luck for tomorrow Mary Fran! I hope you get that loss!!

  2. Hope to hear about loss tomorrow! Excited for you.

    I didn't even have a piece of pie...didn't even miss it! Ate everything else I really wanted!

  3. Great job making a plan and sticking to it for Thanksgiving Dinner!

  4. I am so impressed! Pre-planning is a great idea, i try to do that when i go out to eat and most of the time it works :) Can't wait to hear about your weigh in this week!

  5. Good for you! It can be tricky sticking to a plan when you are eating with others.

  6. Good for you in regards to staying on track. I wish I could say the same.
