
Thursday, November 19, 2009

I've thought quite a bit over the months and years about food addiction. I've thought quite a bit about my problems with food. What it boils down to is quite simple. I don't want food...or the effects of food to rule me. I don't want to eat mindlessly. I don't want to eat for a 'high'. I want to fully enjoy food for the properties that are so intrinsic to food. I want to put food in it's proper place. Yes, something that gives me sustanance, but I'm realistic to know that it's something that I enjoy. I enjoy sampling something to discern the flavors and spices. To me that is an art. Food is an art. I have a friend that calls her new healthy lifestyle the "art of eating". And that is so true.

There is a very fine line between the art of food and the art of gluttony. But I am quite confident that there is a very clear line. And I'm equally confident that I can get this figured out. The beauty of figuring this out and walking on the art side of food is that when I'm not eating mindlessly or eating for the wrong reasons, the food becomes fresher, more vibrant and just ohhh so much more 'artful'.

Pure and simple will power is all that will help me beat the food addiction because the temptation to continue eating for that high is going to pop up time and time again. Will power is all that will beat it. In the case of the grilled cheese the other night. Will power SHOULD have ruled. After a reasonable amount of time then I should have reevaluated the second grilled cheese. I may still have decided...but I wouldn't be letting the addiction have the first say!


  1. I know what you mean about just wanting food to be what it is. I too want this for myself. I think being aware is a big thing. Why are we eating this or that? It's tough thinking this is for LIFE. I have to fix myself for life. ekkkk. I like your words I get a lot from what you say, thanks.

  2. In reading your post, I saw a lot of people I know through your words. I find that the people in my life who are ruled by food tend to be those who are still searching for something meaningful to make their life full. Perhaps food is filling some void. Your thoughts?

  3. I've been there, and will be again. Knowing that I shouldn't eat more of what was already an excess of food for my day, but doing it anyway. It's a powerful drive, yeah, an addiction.
