
Friday, November 06, 2009


I was tickled last night to have my husband at home. True, he was home because a client cancelled...but he's been away every evening...and that gets old! Sooo I threw away my plan for eating....and I made spaghetti (marinara sauce for me.....clam sauce for him). He requested a bread....which I made. I whipped up a ceasar salad also. I had a decent amount of points....but the bread threw me over the edge, points wise. Points wise I'm not to worried. I'd only used 1 flex point thus far in the week....and I've utilized none of my activity points. I'm more worried about the carb overload. But I'm sure I'll be fine.

The alarm was set early this morning so that I could get some activity/exercise in. But laid plans don't always work. I do however get off work at 2. The new plan is to go home....change and IMMEDIATELY (before logging onto the computer...or picking up a book or doing ANYTHING) exercise. THEN I can log onto the computer, work on dinner, and all that fun stuff!!!


  1. its ok to over indulge every once and awhile
    you doing great
    dont beat yourself up
    sounds like you have a great plan going
    your an inspiration

  2. I hear you about getting your activity in before logging on. I have found no greater time-waster (not even TV comes close for me because I watch so little) than surfing the net. Yesterday's breakfast casserole looks wonderful.

  3. I would do the same if it was a nice evening with the hubs :)
    I definitely have to start cutting down on my computer time. It can be a time waster that's for sure!

  4. Hey an evening with the hubby is worth an extra point. I'm so behind on blog reading but I'm catch up now. Love the exercise for cats pictures. I must try the breakfast casserole sometime.

  5. Vanessa Miller9:18 AM

    Bread is my weakness. I fantasize about bread. Crusty bread and wine seem to rock my world as of late.
