
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I haven't fallen off the wagon. In fact, I've actually gotten my head screwed on straight....I think. I'd been toying around with rejoining weight watchers. The accountability AND the fact that I'm spending money for that accountability is a very very good motivator. Sooo last week I went ahead and signed back up for the monthly pass (it was pay for the first month, get the second month free) and I went to a meeting yesterday. I am optimistic. Mainly because there is no way that I want to PAY money to gain weight. So I have to do my part!!!


  1. Good luck to you. Having to pay for anything is motivation enough for me. :)

  2. There's always TOPS too *smile*. It's cheaper but if you want to spend to motivate then WW is probably the better choice lol. Hope it helps, good luck.

  3. Yay MaryFran! I'm so happy for you. That's a HUGE motivator for me too. I can't stand wasting money on something I don't use or eat. I'm so glad your back on WW.

  4. I always do better when i'm accountable to someone else! And i am way to cheap to waste money :)

  5. I think you have made a wise decision. I need to do the same thing.

  6. I think the plan is the most reasonable for the long haul. The leader makes all the difference. Hope you get one who is fabulous!

  7. Good for you for doing what you need to do to stick with it. Good luck!
