
Monday, June 29, 2009

What's the rush with losing weight? Why do we want to lose it so fast? Yeah yeah yeah, I know...I can't wait to get to my goal weight and feel free to spend money on clothes that I know I will be wearing long term. I can't wait to not worry about losing. BUT....on the other hand....this is a LIFETIME commitment! So big woop, I get to my weight loss goal's not going to change a single solitary thing. I will still need to watch what I eat. I will still need to exercise on a consistent basis. Nothing will change. The only thing that changes is my external features. So what's the hurry? I'll sit back, doing what's right (eating healthy, exercising) and the weight will come off at the RIGHT pace.

I've actually done not to badly with my eating over the last few days. I've been happy with my choices. All is looking good. I did skimp on my veggie intake yesterday. But overall, I feel as if I didn't do too badly. My problem yesterday...lack of water! Oh my word....low low water in take. Like non-existent! I knew taht my weight would be up this morning..and it was 1 pound. I expected it...and I'm drinking I hope to pee that pound away today!


  1. Good for you! One day at a time...

  2. I feel the same way. Why be in a hurry, chances are if it comes off fast it will probably be put back on just as quick. I do much better at a slow pace. No bikini this year, but I'm not sure I would have worn it anyways. Slow and steady wins the race.

  3. Thanks for the reminder... I'm off to go fill up my glass.

  4. I'm trying to tone down my "get it done yesterday" mindset because I'm not exactly sure how healthy it is (actually, it may be healthier than being overweight).

  5. You've come so'll make it. Definitely one day at a time is easier than trying to fast forward...Keep at it. :)

  6. Yeah, like MizFit says: you'll pee it out ;)

    I'd like it to come off faster so I can stop paying at WW! Obviously I don't want to lose too fast, though, since I'm not putting in the work to actually do it.

  7. I suspect that losing at a slower pace means that healthy habits are forming that will last longer. If I were to be too successful too soon, I might be tempted to slip into old habits again. Better to be the tortoise than the hare.

    Hang in there!!

  8. MOST EXCELLENT POST! Love your attitude. That's how I have tried to think of it. It's about more then that number on the scale anyway. So much more. It's a weight loss journey sure, but it's also a journey of self discovery.

    Stay positive!

  9. Im so bad with the water lately as well (and it has been 100 plus here).
    Im heading back to basics this morning and measuring out what I wanna drink today IN THE MORNING so I can see if I make it or not.

    Otherwise I may never ever get this wedding ring off again.

    Here's to a healthy tuesday for BOTH OF US!
