
Wednesday, May 06, 2009

sickness and weight

Whew....this morning I woke up feeling like I'd been run over by a, a bus isn't big enough, a tractor and a train! Whew. I was reduced to routing in the bathroom for medication. But, alas I don't like to take medication. It is a totally last resort for me. SO, when I finally hit the 'storage' spot I was tickled when I found something that was perfect. I checked the expiration date. I'm not anal about expiration dates...but when I saw that this had expired in 2003 I kinda figured it wasn't a good thing to take. SO I sat there and cleaned out that drawer. My garbage can is now full! I think there was only one or two things that was left. Sadly enough, nothing for me at this juncture in my life. I will say that being upright and moving has eased it up a bit. Now the big 'argument' in the house is that I'm determined to go to the gym. My husband is just as equally determined that I not work out! Well shucks!

My eating plan for yesterday worked like a charm. I didn't even snitch an extra 6 calorie pickle slice. Because staying totally on track was the goal and the end result was that cheesecake . Instead of eating huge bites of cheesecake, I savored it and thoroughly enjoyed it!

SOooo even after my cheesecake what did the scales say this morning???? 200.2 Down! WOO HOOO!!!


  1. Way to go!! You're back on it. I cannot even imagine someone telling me NOT to go work out. Your husband must think you need a little "down" time to rest and recooperate. Take care of yourself. And, again, congrats on the loss!!!

  2. Good for you. I were a champ sticking to your food plan. Cheesecake is always a good incentive!

    Glad you enjoyed it...and that your weight is down...WOOT WOOT

  3. Hope you're feeling better. and congrats on the loss, way to go.

  4. It's so cool that you were able to have your cheesecake, enjoy it, and still lose weight!!!

    Hope you feel better soon!

  5. Congratulations on the loss! Hope you're feeling better soon.

  6. Your husband should be more supportive of whatever you enjoy doing. Maybe its because he doesn't want to go to the gym and he resents you for making him think of it. Great job sticking to your goal. Awesome job losing the weight. Thanks for all the comments on my blog.

  7. great for you for resisting the call of the cakecramage and relishing and enjoying it!

    IMO it is less what we eat and more the way we feel when (guilty? panicked?) and the reasons why we eat.

    kudos on the loss too...

  8. I have passed along the Super Blog award to you :)

  9. Hi - I've been a lurker for about a year now, following your journey and considering an inspiration. I have passed along the Super Blog award to you :) See my blog for details. Thanks for being you!

  10. I'm so sorry you are sicky. Sure hope you're feeling better by now.

    Congrats on the loss!!

  11. Oops, almost forgot. I sent you an invitation to be friends on facebook, just in case you haven't been on there in a couple of days.
