
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Well, apparently the family member is going under the knife this upcoming Friday to have the gastric bypass surgery. There is nothing that I can do. I was talking to my mom and while she thinks it is a crazy decision that this family member made, my mom was defending this persons choice. Why is she defending it? Because of a 'study' out there that shows that for diabetics they have found that within a few weeks post op that these newly gastric bypassed people are no longer diabetic. (first of all I said, who's doing this study...most likely the same doctors that are getting rich off of performing the surgeries) I started to argue the point that these patients are no longer diabetic because they are no longer eating the foods that cause their blood sugars to skyrocket and plummet! My mom was saying, "no, it's the surgery". I reminded her about the fact that ALL of the diabetics on the biggest loser turn it around and are no longer diabetic short way through the show! And they didn't have surgery. It's diet!!! My mom just doesn't want to hear it...because that pushes the fault of her type II diabetes even more fully onto her shoulders. Breaks my heart.

As expected, my weight popped up a bit this morning. Frustrating, but I know why (TOM) so I'm not worried about it. Eating...still plugging along and trying to be really conscious of points and calories!

Really considering dropping weight watchers. The only thing that is keeping me a member is the fact that if I can just get my weight down a bit more, I'll be back to lifetime status...and that is a good card to have in my pocket! Wimped out yesterday in reference to the outdoor bike ride. I ended up riding inside! :-) Hey, it was cold and windy!


  1. Sometimes people only hear what they want to hear :) And i find that no matter what you say to some people they are going to do what they want to do!!

  2. If people have their minds set on the "procedure" there is probably nothing anyone can do or say to change their minds. A quick fix always seems to be preferable to a steady, controlled sensible plan. Don't know why that is, really. I am still afraid of the surgery. I'll take my chances eating wisely and improving my overall health. Good for you on the weight loss. Funny how eating a bit more can lead to success. Who knew? I saw it happen on the Biggest Loser, but it never occurred to me it could happen to me. Must be increased activity. Congrats!!

  3. My husband is a Type II diabetic and has had his meds lowered since we changed his eating habits. I have to agree with you 100%, it's not the surgery, it's the healthy lifestyle change after their surgery that does it. If they just changed their habits and exercise even a little, it makes a big difference.

  4. It is all about food choices but if someone isn't ready to heard that they won't. I love your "think thin" mantra. I suggest you add "be thin" to it. Don't leave WW, get the weight off and be done with it. You did it before and you aren't far away. You have been my inspiration for almost a year now and we are not going backwards.

    Speaking of the surgery, I checked in to it but I just couldn't put myself through it. Plus every single person I know that has had it done has gain some or all of their weight back. It is shocking!!

  5. It is all about food choices but if someone isn't ready to heard that they won't. I love your "think thin" mantra. I suggest you add "be thin" to it. Don't leave WW, get the weight off and be done with it. You did it before and you aren't far away. You have been my inspiration for almost a year now and we are not going backwards.

    Speaking of the surgery, I checked in to it but I just couldn't put myself through it. Plus every single person I know that has had it done has gain some or all of their weight back. It is shocking!!

  6. People can be so stubborn sometimes. They just want a quick fix for most problems. You and I both know that it is the diet not the surgery that affects the diabetes but guess since we don't have a medical degree we won't be listened to.

    Don't get too frustrated with your TOM weight change. You know that won't last. So glad you found that eating a little more heled you lose some pounds (or ounces as the case may be). We all have to play around with this thing to see what works for us.

  7. Agree with your thoughts on WL surgery and diabetes. I got rid of all my type 2 diabetes meds after I starting losing weight. YOur family memeber might get off the meds, but only if she no longers eats the foods that cause it AND exercise! I am following another blog where the woman had WL surgery and I am tempted to drop it off my list, since post surgery she is trying to find ways to still eat her Doritos and high calorie junk foods!
