
Saturday, March 07, 2009

My weight was a bit up this morning. I'm not surprised. We went out to eat last night (I decided to go grocery shopping last night so that we would have all afternoon today to 'play' instead of run errends!). And while I chose and ate wisely, I had eaten earlier in the day totally contingent upon the planned meal, and of course the meal out wasn't the same pointage wise. Oh well. It was very minute, so I'm not goign to worry. :-)

After work today, I came home and Todd and I rode our bikes down to the canal and rode up to Dam #4. All in all about a 9 mile ride. I came home then and cleaned/organized the back porch (stuff seems to have just gotten pitched out there throughout winter and I've been literally having to climb over things to get my bike out and to get to the freezer that is out there). Then I came in and cleaned the house inside for a few hours. So all in all, from noon when I got off of work until about 6PM (when the dinner dishes were finally cleaned) I was on the go (with the exception of sitting down to eat dinner). That has to be good for me!

1 comment:

  1. I am so envious of your bike rides. I so wish I had somewhere I could ride and someone to ride with. Mostly someone to ride with or walk with or run with, well, just exercise with.

    I do have a friend that talks aobut us going out to do active things but she always has an excuse for not going. She even called me the other day and asked if I wanted to start going with her to a local exercise place and I just laughed. I knew if I got my hopes up she'd back out, so I didn't even let her know I was interested.
