
Saturday, March 14, 2009

I"m still here...feeling lackluster and all that. But I'm here. I did get in a ride early this afternoon and another one in after dinner. (45 minutes and 50 minutes respectively). Both on the exercise bike as it was rainy and icky here.

Check out the give away on Cammy's site.


  1. I've got to say i'm impressed with your bike riding ability!!
    Hope you're feeling better soon :)

  2. I'm right there with you. Today I jumpstart my routine. Gonna get in the game and get moving soon as I can get off this computer.

  3. It has been rainy and yucky here for the last two days. I barely have the energy to get out of bed. I'm not sick just really tired. I listening to my pastor on internet church ( I'm too lazy to out in the rain. Have a great Sunday.

  4. You are still pushing through and exercising even though you feel poopy! Superduper!

  5. Sorry to hear that you still have a little of the blahs. I'ts hard for me to imagine you down with that pretty smiling gal I see every time I visit your blog.

    Good for you for getting in your exercise!!
