
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Scales were acting funny again this morning (they woudln't weigh me...just gave me an err message). So I showered and got ready for work. While I was packing my lunch for work I remembered that I had actually had a battery (one of those button style ones) that I had purchased for my pedometer...but the pedometer was broke so I never used it. Could I be that lucky? Could it be the same size battery? I knelt before that scale.....pried open the back...and Voila! Yes, it was the same battery! So I can get back to weighing myself every day!

Mizfit, wrote a great post. Really hit home as I've recently realized that I needed to stop allowing situations in my life dictate how I live. Check it out...I couldn't have said it better!


  1. Good job on remembering about the battery. That is really cool that it actually took the same kind. I'd never have that kind of luck.

  2. Congrats on fixing you scales but major WooHoo on the cake victory. I'm so proud, I know how hard that is. You have invented a new rule. Instead of the two bite rule we now have the sniffed deeply and walk away rule. Yea You.

  3. Glad the battery fit, and hope the scale was good to you.

  4. same kind of thing happened to me too. except I took the battery from the scale I had broke and put it into my pedometer. Glad it all worked out and I hope the scale showed you what you were looking for.
