
Sunday, December 14, 2008

I'm back!

I am totally enjoying my day at home. I was determined to have a day at home, just relaxing. I've done a little laundry (still doing it in small spurts as the dryer guy STILl hasn't fixed it), I putzed around the kitchen and finished wrapping gifts but overall I've been just relaxing...JUST what I needed.

This past week was incredibly busy. Todd and I spent a day in DC, a day in Lancaster County PA, and a day roaming north of us that ended at a friends house for the afternoon and evening of fun. We worked in the local soup kitchen one day. One day we worked to help put on a christmas party for underprivledged kids. And then we also spent a day working and volunteering for some other various organizations. Yesterday was spent on errends that got pushed aside all it was just a plumb crazy week!!!

My weight was at one point this past week up to 199.8. I totally flipped out. That is so close to that mark that I don't even want to say out loud! I was good and dropped the number to 196 (195.8 according to ww scales). The problem....I then kinda lost a bit of control that day after the weigh this morning (two days later) I was back up to 198 and some loose change. I'm not too worried as last night I had some diet soda..and that usually causes my weight to be up! We'll see. Meanwhile I'm working to bring my eating totally under control!

The plan for the rest of the holiday season is pretty straight forward. I've got to navigate my work christmas party. I feel pretty confident that I can do ok with this. We also have to take my husbands uncle out for dinner sometime right before Christmas. He wants to go to Longhorn Steakhouse. I do pretty well there. And Christmas dinner. I'm having mom and dad here and I'm doing a basic dinner..lots of veggies! No trays laden with desserts! So I think I'm good for the rest of the year!

Now to get back to exercising! Because I do know that is where that's where it's at!


  1. That's alot of giving back you & your husband are doing, Mary Fran!
    I'm happy you've enjoyed your day off!

  2. Sounds like you have good plans in place for the rest of the holidays.

    I, too, have been really lax on my exercising over the last few weeks, and it shows!

    Good luck :)

  3. Glad to have you back!
    Sounds like you have a plan after your week off. How did you like the new WW program?'Off to ride my exercise bije!
