
Saturday, December 27, 2008

I was reading a blog this morning (katschi) and I picked up on a line that she wrote. It was 'Make yourself proud of the choices you make today" That got me thinking about how when I am totally in control and make really healthy choices, I feel so proud and on top of the world! All of a sudden I started to think. Ok, so I'm trading that food 'high' for a prideful 'high'. That seems to be a pretty good tradeoff. Now to just continue to implement it!

Ok ok ok ok. Let me talk about weight. As we know, I started my 6 week challenge earlier this week. I was so good. And then I weighed myself (either Christmas Eve or Christmas morning) and yikes, my weight was 200.4! I ate healthy. I exercised but my weight was up. No excuses though. I looked at my journal. Could see really nothing out of whack, so just chalked it up to this bumpy ride and vowed to continue on. Well, of course Christmas day while much better than previous years was not the greatest eating wise.....I ignored the scales yesterday and vowed that today I would own up to the 'badness'. 201.8. YIKES! But that is my figure. It's going DOWN from here!


  1. Yep we're on our way down. I was also reading that post from karen this morning and it majorly motivated me. For some reason last night i was having a heck of a time with craving from all the donuts and danishes coming out of the oven. Tonight i will feel better!! I don't want to go to work and be craving things all the time. And as far as sugar it's my crack i have to stay away from it!!

  2. You know the song from The Biggest Loser? The line "What have you done today to make you feel proud?"
    really hits home for me. I feel on top of the world too when I make healthy choices and I love waking up without regretting my food choices.
    Thanks for mentioning me! I'm glad that resonated with you!

  3. Sounds like everyone is basically in the same frame of mind these days. Still up a little myself after more ham yesterday, but I know once I start drinking more water and exercising again it will go down. Keep up the good work and great attitude, you are an inspiration!

  4. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Sometimes we have those days where we do everything right and the scale says we are up. Could be fluid retention, a little too much sodium, and some times your body just isn't ready to move on. I really think that just as comfortable and complacent we get... our body does the same thing.
    Keep working at it and your body will get the pictures :)

  5. I totally understand the food high to pride switch. Something I eat healthy and workout and act like a totally health snob because of it. Silly, but I would rather be like that than relying on unhealthy foods.

    You are on your way down from here. For sure. Best of luck to you in the new year!

  6. Good for you for getting on track so quickly!

  7. Anonymous6:36 AM

    I love that as well.

    prideful high :)

    and what you talked about is so my personal theme for the year as well.
    it IS all within our grasp!

