
Sunday, November 09, 2008

white house

white house, originally uploaded by mfcstotler.

Didn't weigh myself today....nor did I eat all that well....nor did I do any formal exercise. Does it count that I walked ALL day???

Woke up this morning and both Todd and I just knew that we wanted to do 'something' or go 'somewhere' today. We didn't want to stay at home. We began running through options in our head. Manassas Battlefield, Monocacy.....should we do the official tourist thing and stay in Sharpsburg and officially tour the Antietam battlefield (living here you tend to take the historic significance for granted). The list went on...the Baltimore Maritime Museum, the aquairium, The Cass railroad in West virginia, New Market, VA, Lurray caverns? We went round and round. We finally settled on driving toward DC and hopping the metro and spending the day on or near the mall. We hit up a few things (the White house visitors center, THe Holocaust Museum, THe Hirshhorn, and we briefly stopped into the National Art Gallery). All in all it was a good day and good to get helped me forget about my worries that have been keeping me 'down'."

The bad thing.....the cafe where we ate our lunch...I caved and had a dessert...YUMMY!


  1. I just love spontaneous trips.
    You're lucky to have so much to see where you live.
    Glad you had a great day.

  2. Oh I am SO jealous! I love DC, and was spoiled for years back in my 30's when my sister lived in Herndon, VA. I'd visit her and hop the metro. Even spent one NY Eve there! Sounds like you had a great time. Good to get away for the day. Walking is GREAT evercise!

  3. Anonymous9:18 AM

    I love spontaneous trips too and yes, walking all day does count!

    I love DC. It has been so long since I have been there.
