
Monday, November 24, 2008

I've been really struggling with my new lifestyle. I won't lie. I wish I could go back and live the existance of not worrying about what I'm eating. Just living life to the fullest (eating wise). Oh yeah, I know that the results of the newer me is soo much more important and actually adds so much more to my life, but I sometimes can't help buy mourn the loss of my old

That said......I needed what is coming next....

Oh wow......I just did this test to find out my expected life age. I did it plugging in my current "new" lifestyle. There were definitely things that I can do to help my life expectancy but my life expectancy with my current lifestyle (eating healthy foods for snacks, no red meat, my current exercise levels...all of it) is 95 years old. SOOOOO just for shits and giggles I decided to go back to the start and answer the questions in the manner that I would have answered just a few short years ago.....answers that parallel what I've been crying about and wishing that I could go back to. Are you ready for my life expectancy with THOSE answers????? 74 years old. That is a difference of 21 years!!! TWENTY ONE CRAZY years????

THAT is food for thought!


  1. I just took the test - 93 years baby! I don't know if I want to live that long :)

  2. Wow! That's incredible!
    I'm sorry if my previous comment was harsh...I didn't mean it to be, ok? I just feel bad that you're struggling & want to 'fix' it.

  3. Hey, I expected to keep going to 95 but had I not changed my ways it would be 75. Yeah baby, I'll be booking on down the road on the old folks bus for a long time. YEAH BABY that's what I'm talking about. I'll be trading in my rock n roll for walk n stroll but it will all be good.
