
Thursday, September 04, 2008

What will my punishment be????

tree-coming-down, originally uploaded by mfcstotler.

I did NOT exercise yesterday. Todd and I relaxed all afternoon and evening. Nope, I didn't do a single solitary thing other than make dinner. Well, I took a nap and I read a book! Does that count????

This moring, my weight was up to 183.2. 4/10ths up. I've been REALLY thirsty though.....don't know why. I've been drinking well over my normal amount of water. So that probably has a lot to do with that! And if worries. Tis all good. :-)

This morning, I stumbled out of bed. I refused to look at the exercie bike....and didn't even look out onto the back porch to see my outdoor bike. I was NOT exercising. My heart just wasn't in it. I settled in at my computer for a relaxing morning. (I mean, hey, why not continue with the relaxation eh?) It wasn't more than 20 minutes until I heard Todd enter the kitchen. And I heard that voice that I love so much.... "Lets go out an work on some trees this morning". Well, who am I to say no. So out I went. We worked outside for about two and a hafl hours. The picture is of one of the trees as it came crashing down to the ground. For safeties sake, I always move way far out of the way when a big tree is coming down so I grabbed my camera and snapped the whole process. I have about 15 picsof it comign down...quite interesting. I may go onto photoshop soon and see what I can do with that! :-)

Todd and I may go outside tonight and work a bit more. Most of the trees that we are taking down in order to put up the sheds have been taken down. SO I think we are going to do prep work on the ground for the sheds tonight.....and then Saturday and Sunday (we are both off...woo hooo) we are going to put up at least one shed! YIPPEE!!!! My screened in porch will be cleared out of some of the storage stuff! I can't wait!!


  1. So you ended up getting exercise anyway ;)

  2. Hey, knocking down trees sounds like a decent exercise to me! Maybe it wasn't the bikes yesterday, but I am sure your other chores helped out. Heck, if they say your burn calories doing housework, you must burn a bunch knocking down your trees!
    Keep up the good work!

  3. Thirty lashes with a limp noddle is your punishment. LOL I crack myself up. Looks to me like you'll get plenty of exercise on those trees.

  4. Punishment? What for? You had a well deserved relaxing day. Just sigh and enjoy.

    With all the preserving you've been doing and the mowing and chipping you definitely deserved it.

  5. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Spending the day working outside is a work out!! Take credit for all the work you've been doing.

    We all need days to relax and do nothing, that's what balance is all about. :-)
