
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A slip up

My weight was up this morning...back up to 183.8. I have no clue why.

And uhhhh today. Well, this morning I slept late. I decided to eat my breakfast first and then exercise. I ate my breakfast and sat down at my computer to check my emails before exercising (letting my food settle). My dearest of husbands (yes, that was written in a sugary sweet tone) looked at me and innocently said, "ohhh yeah, we are having a committee meeting here at the house tonight" I'm sure my eyes bugged out. You see, I've been busy working outside and we were away on Sunday and house is a wreck! Ok, it's not a wreck, but with four cats the floor is in constant need of vacuuming and the kitchen floor....well sweeping and mopping are a daily need (not that it gets done every day). And then just a few minor things. Didn't exercise....went on a wild rampage to clean the house instead. Oh yeah, and I baked chocolate chip cookies for the meeting also. Made lunch for Todd and I and STILL made it to work by noon. Uhhhhh I purposefully skimmed over the cookie part..........I uhhhh ate some cookie dough. Can we leave it at that???? (a little slip up...but not the end....I will just pick up the pieces and move forward)

Ohhh and the final 11:30 when all the work was done todd got a phone call........yep, you guessed it......the meeting was changed. It's not going to be at our house!!!!!!! Oh well...the house is spic and span! (and I brought the cookies into work!)

On to better things....well maybe not better things..but different things. On the way to work I was in the car and I realized that a stink bug must have made his home on my shirt while it was hanging on the line drying on it's laundry day. Yes, my shirt STINKS! It's terrible! (ok, I only smelled it when Iwas in the warm car, closed in...but still!)

WOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!! It's The Biggest Loser night!!!!!


  1. At least your home is nice and clean for you and hubby. And they are the only ones that really matter anyway, right?

    So now you can go home and get in some exercise that you missed this morning. Not that cleaning house isn't exercise but you know what I mean.

  2. Cleaning the house counts as exercise in my eyes.

  3. I was planning to clean this AM, but pushed it to tomorrow. Must be nice to come home to a clean house after work today! Going to bike tonight before The Biggest Loser? I got some in this AM, but not as much as I wanted, I was FREEZING, so plan to ride the exercise bike after I catch up on the blog reading!

  4. Congrats on the clean house. Want to come visit me? I'll choose blogging over cleaning anytime.

    Thanks for the reminder about the Biggest Loser. I can't believe I missed it last week.
