
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sunless Saturday

The sun is not shining this morning. It's a pretty dreary day. Oh well. I wasn't planning on many (any) outside activities anway. It's a normal Saturday. Work until noon, go home and eat lunch and then head to town for the normal errends. Today I just have to go to Target and the grocery store. WOO HOOO. :-)

My weight dropped again this morning.....down to 183.6. That's 1.4 pounds down from yesterday and 3.8 from two days ago. Who knows what's happening. But hey, it's going down! Tha's all that matters!


  1. YAY, on the pounds going away!!

    It was pretty here when we left to go to the falls again and when we got to the top of the second fall the skies opened up and we were soaked when we got back up all those stairs to the car. Oh, well, we didn't melt.

  2. Overcast most of the day in South Eastern PA as well. Was fortunate to get in a bike ride, but it was muggy doing it during the middle of the afternoon!

    Mad at myself, because there was a GOOD article emailed to me from that I wanted to forward to you explaining fluctuations in weight gains during the week when you weigh yourself every day. Hope I can find it!

    Glad to hear you are down! Hoping for some kind of loss at my weigh in tomorrow!
