
Saturday, August 16, 2008

More of the same

I wasn't going to do it, but I couldn't resist. This morning the scales showed me 'down' to 181.6. so the up part of this weekly flucuation is over and I'm going back down. What a ride!

I rode the bike this morning.....about 45 minutes of a ride. My legs are finally recovering from my marathon canning and harvesting session on Wednesday. Just in time to do it all again! Yep, there are about 2 more beds that need picked and preserved! Meanwhile, I'm seriously contemplating doing some more dehydrating/drying of produce. I LOVE dried apples. SO I'm thinking I may pick up some at the orchard very soon and dry some! 1 apple slice (no sugar added) can NOT be many calaries or points!

Today is grocery day in our household. I spent some time in the early part of the week updating and re-organizing my coupon book. Then yesterday morning I created the menu of meals for this week. Last night I created a grocery list for those meals. Todd gave me his list of wants. And today while here at work I'll just scan through the coupons to see what I have that matches the list. I'll also look through the grocery sale flyer to match up any great deals with great coupons. :-) So after work, I'll go home, grab lunch and then head off to town to the grocery shopping.


  1. You make grocery shopping sound like fun. I hate that chore.

    My meals are easy to plan since I eat mostly the same things day after day, week after week. I just pick up the same ole', same ole' each week.

    I only cook differently when I have company (healthy now of course). Hope I got enough food in the house for this week, but if not I can always hit the store again.

  2. Glad the scale is balancing out. These are things that are so hard to remember when it shoots up. Have fun shopping!
