
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Ramblings from a somewhat feeble mind

Found the neatest tee shirt today. I just had to buy it. On the front it says Get off the Couch. The back has a picture of a bike and over top of that it says: You could ride off a cliff and die, You could get lost and die, You could hit a tree and die. YOU COULD STAY HOME AND FALL OFF THE COUCH AND DIE. This just hit a funny bone on me! So I bought it! I debated long and hard. I tried on the medium and it fit...a bit tight but it fit. The large was a nice fit now. What do you do in these cases? I bought the large. I'll still be able to wear it later, and if not, hopefully Todd will get to a large! :-)

Well, last night I couldn't sleep worth a darn. I laid in bed and tossed and turned for what seemed like hours. I finally got to sleep and woke up an hour or so later. It then took me about another hour to fall back to sleep. NOT good when you have early morning plans. You see, we had decided to set the alarm for 6AM and get a move on early. We wanted to bike in Cumberland which is a little more than an hour away by car. Leaving early would get us onto the bikes before the heat and humidity got too bad. I actually woke up before the alarm went off. (What's up with that....4 hours of sleep) I got my shower, breakfast and packed us clothes to change into. I prepared our water bottles, loaded the bikes onto the car and made sure I pulled the money from the safe to put into my purse all before I even got Todd up. We were out the door, in Cumberland and on our bikes by 8:30 or so. We had a really nice ride. We didn't push it. I didn't ride in some super high gear to really push my muscles. Nor did I ride in some easy smeasy gear to garner high rpm's. It was a nice middle grade ride. We were out until about 11:30. I'll admit my constant companion of muscle aches was present before I even got onto the bike. But the aches and pains pretty much 'disappeared' OK, pushed aside in my mind while I was on the bike.

After our ride, we changed our clothes (ahhhhh the train station/visitor center place had some clean bathrooms...what a treat....I hate when I have to change my clothes in some parking lot) and headed to downtown Cumberland where we had been told that there were some decent restaurants. My my my...for a town that is economically depressed, they had a really nice little arts district thing going on. (relative to the town I should say). Todd and I really couldn't decide which little neat looking place to eat at so we literally did rock/paper/ scissors to decide. I got this pasta as supposed to be hot and spicy. And I got a side salad to go with it (prices were VERY reasonable). Todd got a salmon salad (in a taco shell). The salad was really good. They make all their own salad dressings. I had some Dijon was to die for! Todd LOVED his dinner salad. (nope, I didn't even try his as it was salmon and I don't do seafood....well, except for tuna salad). I'll have to admit though that disappointment of pasta dish was...well......lackluster. It was bland. The chicken was tough and well, it just lacked. I ate maybe a 1/4 of my plate and then pushed it aside. No use eating something I wasn't really enjoying. HUGE victory for me! (don't get too excited for me.......I turned around and this evening gave in to my craving for pizza. I've known it was coming and I've been OK with it. I'm not here to deprive myself. I just try to manage it. SO this evening for dinner I got a pizza. Thin crust...even though I prefer a thick greasy crust, I went with a thin cracker crust. Ohh dang, was it tasty! I'm not going to weigh myself for a day or so....and manage my eating very closely the next few days...and I'm sure I"ll be fine!)

After lunch, we walked around for another couple hours. We finally got home at around 4:30. My lower body was TIRED TIRED TIRED! I rested and dang...turned around and went to the gym for a session with the personal trainer. THANK GOODNESS it was to work up a new routine for my arms! I laughed and told her that my bottom half felt dead. She looked at me and laughed and said, "then lets make the arms feel dead also" Oh yeah, I think it's gonna be a whole body thing tomorrow! LOL We'll have to see.

Well, there you have my day. I've not drank all my water that I should have drank. Well, actually upon further thought, I probably have drank my minimum of 64 ounces. Lets main water bottle that I used today is 24 ounces...and I finished that and started on my back up bottle. I think the waitress refilled my water glass at lunch 4 times (they looked to be about 16 ounce glasses....minus the room for the ice of maybe 10 ounces of water each drainage) And looking at my big 'sippy cup' water mug, it shows that I'm 32 ounces yeah, I've done it...but still with the sweating (it was still hot outside) from riding and walking I probably didn't drink enough. Oh well what a boring rambling paragraph!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got your ride in! Was thinkng about you and hoping you would report in! Spent some time researching bikes today and hope to get an email later from my brother on his opinion. There is a bike store near us that sells the Treks and I am anxious to get over there to check them out.

    Hope you feel OK in the AM with all your exercising today!
