
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Weigh in Results

I didn't weigh myself this morning. I never weigh myself on Wednesday mornings. Mainly because I eat after my meeting....which is really late, which then skews my numbers. PLUS, I use my Tuesday night late meal as a bit of a free meal to indulge. I actually kept it within my points range last I'm doing good!

BUT, I was able to hold it under 180 pounds last night! That is the first time I've ever done it for 2 weeks in a row! I was sweating bullets (and lots of sweat from the heat also....plain old sweat...none of this 'perspire' stuff) over that one! Hopefully my body will start losing again so I can get myself away from that 180 mark! BUT regardless...week one done of the 6 that I need to do in order to get lifetime status at the meetings!

The official reading.... 179.4. So technically I gained .4 last night. I can deal with that!

Crazy thing happened to me last night. After the meeting we went out to eat (feed corporate America, by eating at a chain....which we prefer not to do, but oh well) at the Longhorn Steakhouse. I got my normal meal there...a salad (no tomatoes because of the salmonella scare of course), my baked sweet potato and the brandied apples. Yes, I had a slice of bread also. It was all pretty tasty. SO anyway, I came home and I was on the computer. Todd came out to kiss my goodnight (or whatever) as he was going to play the xbox in the bedroom. He left and it was a couple minutes later that I felt a stinging sensation on my upper lip. I just kinda pushed it aside in my mind, thinking that his facial hair had just given me a little 'brush burn' or something. Nothing major. BUT, a few minutes later I could FEEL my lip swelling! Oh my word, my lip was HUGE. I looked hysterical! But even while I laughed I was panicked. I mean, was this some new allergy or what??? I wasn't staying out here by myself....thoughts were running through my head....if my lip swells up, what else may swell up??? No sir-ee. I went into the bedroom to be near Todd. It was just very crazy! I was nervous about falling asleep with my lip still getting bigger literally by the moment...but I ended up falling asleep. I don't know what else on my body may have swelled while I was asleep...but I will say this......this morning the swelling is almost gone in my lip...although the lip feels numb still. Utterly crazy!

Hopefully the weather will be sunny today (not raining) so that we can work outside!!!! Plus, I still need to ride or exercise today. I just didn't feel like doing it early this morning! :-)


  1. Yay, for staying under 180. You can do it!!

    Sounds like you may have gotten a spider bite on your lip. Could have come down from the ceiling and been so small you didn't notice it until it bit you. Hope everything is ok and your lip is back to normal now.

  2. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Did he bite you? hehe.

    I can't imagine what it could have been. That's kind of yucky thinking it might have been a spider.

    If you start shooting webs from your wrists, let us know :)
