
Thursday, June 26, 2008

STarting the downward thrust! least my weight went down a little bit this morning. It WAS 181.6. Today it was 181.4. I've been a very good girl thus far today. In fact, I still have about 2 points left for my day...and it's as long as I can chew away on my gum (to keep me from wanting to actually eat food), I'll be good as gold! WOO HOO. Lets hope that the scales show something positive tomorrow!

Last night Todd and I were watching tv together, laying on the couch. We both fell asleep at around 7:30 to 8 PM. Todd woke me up at 9 so that we could go to bed. I stumbled to the bedroom and fell back asleep. I slept straight through until the alarm went off at 6AM. That is a LONG night's sleep. I got up and I got mad at myself because I should have set the alarm for 5:30.....because today was a long ride. I decided to go ahead with the longer ride and just make up the time difference in my morning preparations for work. SO, I took a shorter shower.....left my hair just a bit damper, rushed my breakfast along....and did my longer ride! Yeah me!!!!!!! I may try to jump on the exercise tonight.

Ok, exercising tonight isn't an option anylonger. As I was typing earlier, I heard a beep. My parents stopped by for a visit. Ok, I live out in the country..there is not 'stopping by' they drove down specifically to see me. SO it was a nice little visit. But now it's I'll be honest and say that exercise is a no go for me tonight. But hey, I rode this morning! WOO HOOO!

My job is starting to bore me to tears. The only reason I'm still ok at the job at this point is the fact that I can surf the internet, write, and read books all day! Why can I not find a job that I adore???


  1. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I have been with my job for 11 years and have been bored with it for years. It is hard in this market to go out and look, I have 4 weeks vacation, I can pretty much do what I want, the list goes on and on. I want to be a professional mattress tester..if you here of any openings anywhere let me know :)

  2. You got some exercise in and that's what matters. Is that a new pic on the left with the sunglasses? Really cute!
