
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sitting with my leg elevated

Well...between the two rides I got in today, I logged 34.2 miles. I'm happy with that! I probably shouldn't have ridden that much. I'm really suffering. ON Saturday while at work, I went to move and whacked my knee against the panic button underneath my desk. NO, I didn't set off the alarm (although that would have been funny). I felt that terrible pain for a few minutes. (you know...the pain like when you hit your funny bone). But it passed relatively quickly or so I thought. BUT, when I stood up and went to move...eii yiii yiiil......hurts hurts hurts. I do feel as if it just irritated the good old that's what the pain feels like. AND I've had a few instances where my knee has just buckled under me. I haven't had that not so pleasant experience since about 100 pounds ago. I just want to lay around with my knee propped up becaues that helps ease the pain. However, I didn't do that all day....just NOW. Beyond logging 34.2 miles today. I reorganized the screened in porch (I had moved everything to finish painting the floor yesterday). Oh yes, the screened in porch is now truely screened in again! WOO HOOO! I got a bit of chipping done also...before the rain at least!

Now for the bad part. I've been sooo hungry today. I'm hoping that all my miles and my outdoor work. (and even this morning, I was moving at the grocery store and then at home while I took care of all that) is the reason my body was demanding food and that it won't show on the scales tomorrow. I hate this part of weight loss!!!!!!!

Speaking of weight loss...I"m goign to go on to cancel my monthly pass tonight. I just got my renewal card...and I"m paid up until July 21. That is on a Monday. If I go in on MOnday the 21st instead of my normal Tuesday night weigh in that week, I SHOULD meet my lifetime goal that night....that would be the 6th week of maintenance. And if I don't make it on the 21'st...I can simply pay for that last meeting.....or if I have to...last two or three meetings! As long as it is only 2 or three meetings I'll be ok. But if it segued into more than three, I'd be losing money. OK, I just checked my credit card statement...they bill it on the 7th of the month. I"ll wait until a day or so before that....that way I'll have another weigh in under my belt and I'll also be right around the corner from yet another weigh I'll be reasonably sure how that one will go. :-)


  1. Wow, so close to getting lifetime. Have you thought about meeting attendance after that? Gonna keep going regularly? Less often? I'm curious.

  2. I'll be rooting for you to make it to "lifetime" on the night you have planned. That will really be awesome. I feel so far away from that but at least it's not as far as it has been.

    Sure hope the knee feels better in the next day or so. You probably did the right thing in working some to keep it flexible.
