
Friday, June 09, 2006


Ok, it's been a month. A LONG month of disappointment!I have not lost any weight and continue to flucuate at the same weight. I find this so utterly disappointing and discouraging! I just want to do this. I still haven't measured myself and was thinking this morning that I am goign to make sure that I get that done this weekend.

The past month has brought a lot of changes in my life. I quit my old job, a job where I sat on my butt for 10 hours a day, and spent an hour in the car a day. I got a job only 2 miles from my house at a local deli. I am on my feet for most of my day. The first few weeks were horrendous. While I found that I loved my new job, my legs just ached somethine fierce. Because of this, the biking kinda went by the wayside. Actually everything went by the wayside, I would come home and sit doing nothing. I am happy because I am almost through a work week and this is the first week that my legs haven't felt as if they weighed 10 tons! SOOOO, now I'm itching to get back on the bike and get back to the gym!

My grand plan for this job is to actually start to bike to work! It is only two miles and the road has a pretty wide shoulder to ride on. I haven't done it yet, but if my legs continue to fill good, I just may start soon!

So, in essence, this last month has been one frustration after another! The only good thing......that leaves lots of room for improvement!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
