
Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Monthly Goal Recap

 I have already said that I kinda blew it in the month of August.  Yeah, I really blew it!   But you know what?  I am still here in this weight loss journey.  I am still wanting this weight loss to happen.  I am still in this game, so I did NOT fail!  Failure is giving up and I have NOT given up!

So how did I do?

1.  Track every bite of my food-  I totally fell off the wagon with this one.  I failed to track for a good two weeks.  I just didn' real reason.  Ohhh there are reasons...but they are all excuses!

2.  Save money  There is not money in the savings account, but we have paid for TWO weeks of lodging for our one week of vacation.  The duplicate (back up option) is being cancelled and I will be regaining those dollars.  I paid for the second hotel this past month.......and did not deduct ANYTHING from when I get my refund.  So while I technically did not put money into the savings, the money will get there eventually!

3.  Weigh less at the end of the month - Uhhh yeah, this did not happen.  (See tracking issues above....because we all 'know' that we we don't track it then it doesn't count as calories....right???)

4.  Be active at least 4 times a week  I actually managed this thanks to the after work walks with Jason!

5.  Stay within caloric/food budget at least 6 days a week  Nope.....this didn't even come close to happening!

6.  Have an average of over 5K steps per day for the month.  I actually nailed this one!!!!!

So you can see that my month was a combination of victory and failure!   But that's ok.  We learn from failure and we grow from adversity.  So I must have done a heap of growing!!!!

So my goals for next month?   Exactly the same!!!

1.  Track every bite of my food

2.  Save money

3.  Weigh less at the end of the month

4.  Be active at least 4 times a week

5.  Stay within caloric/food budget at least 6 days a week

6.  Have an average of over 5K steps per day for the month.