
Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Monthly Goals

Where does time go? Let me tell you, the older I get the faster time flies by!  How can it already be March?????    But enough about how time flies, lets start talking about how I did in the month of February!  Yes, it is time to review my monthly goals!
So there you have it.....some success.  Some failure.  Some of the failures though were out of my control as I had those back issues.  But that's all good.  I'm not going to let my issues derail me.  I'm looking to CRUSH March's goals!  
So here were my goals for February:

1.    Track Every Bite  I nailed this one.  Every bite, every lick, every taste was tracked!  This is actually almost second nature now.  Notice I said almost....old habits lie deep so I'm not going to say it IS second nature!

2.  Put money in savings.    Ding Ding Ding!  Done!

3.       Weigh less at the end of the month  (who cares how much as long as it is less!) weight is acting wonky!  There has been no reasoning behind what my weight does.  The week that i ate all my weekly point and was in the negative I lost big. The following week when I was perfectly in line I showed a gain.  But I measured which I talked about on Monday on this post     But that said, my weight loss numbers for the month......

4.       Be active at least 20 minutes four times a week!    I did pretty good with this.  The weeks before my back issues. (if you don't know what can read about it here)  Once the back issue raised it's ugly head, I wasn't able to get these workouts in!  I still managed a bit..but not the 4 I was aiming for!   That said, if you average my numbers it DOES equal out to be an average of 4 a week! (I told you....those first weeks were rocking!)

5.       Keep my eating in check at least 6 days of the week (Allowing one cheat meal) and never never never go over my limit in weekly points in a week!  (And currently I am not swapping and using my fit points!)   I did great wit this........for 3 weeks!   The week before my back issues was horrible.  I ate my weekly points.....I ate more than my weekly points!  I was in the negative....which means that this is a fail!   BUT that said, that week that I overate was the week I lost big.  Go figure!

6.       Average 5,000 steps a day!  (While this is still an average, I will be looking more closely at my daily totals  to try to avoid the hikes carrying the rest of my slacker days!  Somehow I managed to make this one happen also!   Thank heavens for some long hikes on the weekends and some lunchtime walks!   The first weeks of the month I was doing great with actually bringing my daily step count so much closer to my daily goal!   

So there you have it.....some success.  Some failure.  Some of the failures though were out of my control as I had those back issues.  But that's all good.  I'm not going to let my issues derail me.  I'm looking to CRUSH March's goals!   And those March goals?  Exactly the same as February!

 Track Every Bite
2.       Build my Savings
3.       Weigh less at the end of the month  (who cares how much as long as it is less!)
4.       Be active at least 20 minutes four times a week! 
5.       Keep my eating in check at least 6 days of the week (Allowing one cheat meal) and never never never go over my limit in weekly points in a week!  (And currently I am not swapping and using my fit points!)
               6.       Average 5,000 steps a day!  (While this is still an average, I will be looking more closely at my                 daily totals  to try to avoid the hikes carrying the rest of my slacker days!