
Friday, December 20, 2019

An Early Christmas Gift

It is no secret that I have been struggling with getting in any kind of workout through the week.  And while I know that weight is lost in the kitchen and not in the gym (through a workout) I know that my eating tends to be a bit more under control when I am working out.  I also know that this journey is not just about being thin...this journey is about being healthy.......and being fit is part of that equation.

My problems actually started when I accepted my current job.  The commute is a killer.  I spent just shy of 3 hours in my car each day.  This is on top of my normal work hours.  That means that I am basically 'working' a 12 hour day.  I get home exhausted.  I still have to cook dinner, do whatever small chores around the house and of course sleep.  Add in the fact that it's winter and cold and dark!  Literally it is dark when I leave the house...and dark when I get home!  BOOOO.   When can I exercise?

I thought about running in the dark...but then our apartment complex sent out a notice about some 'occurrence' that was very vague but it was telling us to be very careful and be aware of our surroundings, even though they were 'sure' that it was just one isolated incident.  Well then, I just don't think running outside in the dark is the thing for me at this point.  The gym /fitness center was another option...but it just never seemed to happen.    We talked quite extensively about this problem and I grew more and more panicked because I could see my fitness levels dropping further and further.  I was literally watching all the progress from the summer on my bike dribble away!   I couldn't let this happen!   And then we had a brain child of an idea!

Let's buy our own exercise bike!

I started shopping and holy cow....those things are expensive!  Almost immediately I had to eliminate the two biggies from my wish list.  I just couldn't afford the $2500 price tag.  Not so soon after buying a new car and having car repairs on the old car...which you can read about here!  I kept shopping.  I made page after page of notes.  I looked at the cheap bikes.  I looked at the expensive bikes.  I knew the components and specs on all of them.    We were ready to settle on a 'cheap' no brand bike.   Literally ready to pull the trigger.  But then I had second thoughts.  OK we went with a bike that was a bit more expensive...but it is a brand name.  Schwinn has been around forever.....that says a lot right there.   The bike that I purchased is the IC3 bike.  They have the IC2 and also the this is not their first rodeo with this bike.  Another plus!    The price was in our range.....Even better!   My decision was made!

Over my birthday weekend Jason made an announcement!  For Christmas I was getting an exercise bike!  WOO HOO!  He had to tell me early because he needed my final answer and input.  He also needed me to get the room ready so we could get the bike and he also needed my help in getting the bike up to our apartment. (Third floor and no elevator!).   I was over the moon excited!   And we picked it up on my Birthday! 

It was surprisingly easy to put together and only took about a half hour.
I was ready to rock and roll with some exercise.   So how am I fitting it into my schedule?   Well normally my alarm goes off at 5:30 AM?  I have my watch buzz me at 4:45 AM.  I use that extra 45 minutes to exercise.  I am aiming for a minimum of 3 morning rides each week!  But I am hoping for me.  I just say three because we all know that there are days that is just isn't happening!  I don't want to set unrealistic goals, because if I do then I will NEVER keep them!  And in this case, I don't want the bike to become a clothes rack!

Thus far, I have been doing intervals.  I ride sitting down for 3 minutes and then stand up and push it hard for a minute.  Over and over through a 20 minute ride.  I plan to increase my intensity as time progresses.  I also plan to introduce some instructional videos.  I have found some on youtube and I have not ruled out getting the Zwift or Peleton App to use in conjunction with this bike.

I am super excited because this bike can help take me back to the level of fitness that I had achieved a few years back when I was exercising regularly!    This bike is going to help condition my legs to make me ready for spring when I can get back out on the mountain bike trails.   This bike is going to help me lose weight.   I now have the tool that is going to take away the excuses!