
Sunday, December 08, 2019

November Review

Here it is more than a full week into December and I haven't talked about my goals for November OR my goals for December.  How remiss am I?   So here we go!

My November Goals were as follows:
1.  Track every bite of food!  I am proud to announce that I did manage to track each and every bite of food! WIN!!!
2.  Put money into my savings. (The tweak for November is to hold steady on savings...I have some expenses I still need to cover in relation to the car issues!) 
 I managed to hold steady!  I did not dip into my savings at all this month!  I didn't ADD to my savings but I didn't deplete it any more!
3.  Weigh less than I do now!  I don't care if it's a measly ounce...I want to weigh less!  Yeah, this didn't happen.  I GAINED weight in November....a fair amount!
4.  Do something active (a walk suffices) at least 3 times a week and aim for at least three sessions of formal activity (bike ride, run, hike) a week!    The first two weeks I was awesome...and then I totally fell apart!
5. Keep my eating in check for at least 6 days a week.   Once again, the first two weeks I did great....and then I fell apart and my calories were up between 1500 and 2000 each day!
6.  Walk and average of 5000 steps  per day. (total monthly steps divided by the days in the ride days on the trail are exempt from the 5K step goal...cuz it's hard to get  steps when you are riding)   I somehow squeaked this one out!!!  BARELY!!!!!  Like literally, my average was 5001!

So here we are in December.  My goals will be remaining the same...with one or two small tweaks.

1.  Track every bite of food!
2.  Put money into my savings.  The tweak for December is to once again MAINTAIN my not dip into it further. 
3.  Weigh less than I do now!  I don't care if it's a measly ounce...I want to weigh less!   I am tweaking this to be 'maintain my weight' for this month!  Hey, it's a busy month with the holidays and birthdays in my family.
4.  Do something active (a walk suffices) at least 3 times a week and aim for at least three sessions of formal activity (bike ride, run, hike) a week!  
5. Keep my eating in check for at least 6 days a week.   
6.  Walk and average of 5000 steps  per day. (total monthly steps divided by the days in the ride days on the trail are exempt from the 5K step goal...cuz it's hard to get  steps when you are riding)

There you have it!   I have my goals set for December.  Now it's time to rock them!