
Monday, August 19, 2019


This summer is just marching by at an incredibly fast pace!  We were out this weekend on our bikes and we saw some leaves that were starting to drop. What?   It's too early for that!  And yes, while it is too early for a full onslaught of fall foliage, it is right around the corner!   I am not too upset about that, because I like fall.but it's crazy because that means that it's been almost one season since I recommitted to this weight loss journey.  So where am I?

I do feel as if I have made progress.   I have lost weight.   This time in mid to late May I was sitting at 255 pounds.  I am NOT that weight anymore.  I'm still not where I want to be but I"m making progress.    As of my official weigh in on Friday, I am 238.8.   Not great in my mind but SO much better than where I was just a few months ago.  Progress in the right direction!
We were riding this past weekend on some trails and at one point we hit a trail that we had not been on since almost exactly a year ago.  We had hit this particular trail only 2 or 3 weeks after I had purchased my new bike.   Yesterday, as I roared over obstacles and just bounced down the erosion deterrent steps on a downhill section I couldn't help but smile.   Last year I had carefully chosen the path of least resistance.....swerving and dodging and trying to avoid any obstacle.  That was not the same this year.  I was just taking the obstacles like a pro. (Ok, they were not huge obstacles...I still can't jump over larger things...hahaha).  That's progress.

Another place of progress is with my exercise.  I am doing well with keeping moving!  I do the yoga, I walk on my breaks.  We ride on the weekends.  I'm making progress in building my habits! 

I am making HUGE progress in my balance with food.  I am doing well with learning to manage and eat in moderation.....ok more specifically the treats and fun things. I have refused to give up those items because if I do, I am not 'LIVING"  It has finally clicked in my head that I CAN have them.....but just limited.  And NOT only has it clicked, but I have been for a few months really practicing what my mind knows. I had a piece of brownie this weekend.....but I had had nothing for the preceding week!   And guess what?  I didn't miss it over the week because I KNEW that I could have it when I wanted....but knowing that I had the 'ok' it took away the burning need to have it!  That is HUGE progress for a food addict!

Soo there you go.  An update on the progress of my efforts!  Am I flying through my progression?  NO.  Am I going slow?  YES.   I would like to make progress at a much faster pace but for me and my weight loss journey, this is exactly where I need to be!