
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The fallout: return from vacation

Three days into my work week. Let me tell you it was hard to come back after a week off. But I must work.    But being Wednesday, it also means I am three days into my return to healthy eating and A healthier lifestyle.

It’s no secret that I ate very poorly over my vacation. I had dessert of some sort each and every night. I thoroughly enjoyed it also!!!    I also vowed that when vacation was over the poor eating habits were ending.

Yes, I know that in some regards, going  crazy (if that’s what you call having dessert every day) for a week is not good. However, how often do we go on vacation? Once a year???  And for me in the last couple years it’s been even longer. I have been preaching for the last couple months about how I want to live my life… In a sustainable way… But remain healthy. For me, at this phase in my life,  indulging on a vacation was well within the boundaries that I have set up for myself. I expected a small gain. I also know that it’s stopped now that vacation is over.

It’s Wednesday, vacation ended Sunday night. How did I do?

Let’s backtrack to Sunday night, my last night of vacation food and eating. I did eat a piece of cake. I also ate two Reesie‘s cup that day. (I should be awarded a medal, I only ate 2 cups out of the king size  package.) When we were done with the cake that evening, there was still a small piece left on the cake plate. Now is where the major decision making time came upon me......I had a major decision to make. If I wasn’t eating cake through the week, what do I do with that piece of cake?  I made my decision, pretty quickly also. I scraped that piece of cake right into the garbage can. Yes, I did… It amazed me too!  By the time I went to bed on Saturday night, there were no sweet treats left in the house. Step one of keeping my vow had been completed.

On Monday evening, I planned a healthy dinner for us. It wasn’t lasen in grease or butter. It had lots of vegetables. We both enjoyed the healthy home-cooked meal. (I had only made one or two dinners the whole time we were gone… It was all eating out.) after dinner, I found myself in the kitchen wondering aimlessly. It was rather odd. But eventually  I realized what was happening. My body was subconsciously looking four that sweet sugary treat. I had gotten  rid of everything the night before (thank heavens), so there was nothing to eat. I could have easily made something, But I did not. I had a banana… It tasted delicious.

On Tuesday we also had a nice healthy balanced meal with lots of vegetables.  And I avoided any sweet treat!   

I’m not giving up the sweet sugary delight or dessert. I still plan on indulging a bit on the weekends. I’m sure when my next vacation rolls around I will probably also indulge. This is all about  finding that balance in my life.

So how was my weight affected? That is a loaded question. I will also say that we were very active during our vacation. We hiked. We biked. We walked. Sadly, I do not have the exact weight results. Yes, I weigh myself every day. However, a few days before my vacation started my scales went on the fritz. They just needed batteries… But of course I didn’t have that size. So I have to go with what my weight was a few days before vacation started.  I know what my weight is the first day after vacation. I gained 3 - 4 pounds. Now let me also backtrack and say that I did horrible with drinking water the first half of vacation. The second half of vacation, not so good. On Sunday I don’t even think I finished a full bottle of water. No water equals dehydration which conveys to weight gain on the scales. Couple that with the monthly ick ....Which also usually equals a pound or two on the scales. I’m pretty darn happy with the three or four pounds. Sure, I would love to have lost or even maintained. But in the grand scheme of things, with those other two factors… 3 pounds is good. And I’m drinking my water like crazy to get back to where I need to be.  So as of Wednesday morning I’m only one pound up!  Not bad!!!!

Now to just make it to the weekend so I can relax, this working stuff is no fun!!!