
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Gearing up!

Well, I just realized that I did not post anything last week. So let’s just get last weeks  weight out-of-the-way.  I maintained. I’m actually OK with a maintain  for last week. About two or three weeks ago I had decided that I was going to try to make wise choices with my eating but not worry about my weight until we move.  There are so many factors into that. Lack of prep time for food, limited kitchen use, stress of moving and packing, stress of mother crying about the aforementioned  move and just the normal issues I have had in the last couple years where I’m living.

So this past weekend I was packing, and I almost packed my scales. Seriously, I had made the decision to not worry about my weight… So why even weigh in. I couldn’t do it though! The scales stayed out because I have a weekly weigh in every Wednesday morning!   Well it’s Wednesday morning and I stepped on the scales.   I was pleasantly surprised.  I was down about two pounds. I’ll take it!  And for the record, the scale is now packed.

Including today (Wednesday), two days of work and two more sleeps before we move. I am absolutely giddy with excitement! I am concerned about my lower back, it has been tender for the last couple weeks. Luckily most of our furniture is light weight and we have a dolly.  We  also opted to pay for delivery for some new furniture… Namely a heavy couch.  But yeah...lots of lifting and carrying.   Oh and did I mention it’s a third floor apartment?  No elevator????   Yeah we wanted top floor...that was our first choice!   As for steps....good for us!!

We are both excited about beginning this new stage and phase of life and our enhancing our relationship and we are ready to do it with healthy habits. We have eaten so poorly of late that we are both excited about the fruits and vegetables and healthier choices that we will be more easily able to make. No promises when I begin, it will depend upon my back and how I handle the move.....But I’m also really looking forward to getting back into running. 

I’m gearing up for great things! In so many areas of my life love, wait, running. Life is full of promise and hope!!