
Monday, September 23, 2013

This means war

Ok, so I’m not happy with my weight this morning.  I am 217.1   My weight in the last 3 months has teetered between 218 and 213.   I’m at the top end of that number right now and I’m not happy.  At least it’s not more….I can look at the positive.  (I can also say that Chinese food….high sodium…for dinner could be affecting that number…whew!)
I had already decided that I was totally recommitting to this weight loss journey.  I’ve sat on the fence during the last three months.  I’ve not gone crazy, but I’ve not really focused on doing what I KNOW needs to be done.
NO MORE.   The battle is on!   My short term goal?  I’m setting a really easy goal. (well, in terms of numbers it’s easy…NO weight loss is easy when we really look at it).   But my goal is to be under 200 pounds by the New Year.  Yes, I originally hoped to be at my goal weight (the top end of 180) by the New Year.  However, I’ve revamped and rethought and my goal is under 200. That is 1.2 pounds a week.  Healthy and extremely doable!
Lets get this show on the road!