
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Vacation Weight Loss/Gain Verdict

Well, I vowed that I would be active and ride my bike and do all sorts of things on this vacation and I would lose or at least maintain my weight.   It was a busy week.......
I ran a 5k and set a new PR for myself!
We went to Lancaster and ended up visiting the National Christmas museum again.  The first time was at Christmas and it was terribly crowded.  This time we were able to fully enjoy the museum.  That  is actually a quilt in this picture.  A quilt made of 1 inch pieces of fabric.  And yes, it makes me want to pull out my quilt and work on a project!
In Lancaster we also were able to enjoy a Chicago concert. (I also enjoyed a LOT of good food).
We hit up a variety of flea markets and antique stores through the week. This picture was taken in Strasburg, VA where we visited the Strasburg Museum which is a little gem of a museum.

We joined up with my family and went into DC one day.  We went to the National Building Museum and also to the Natural History Museum.
The strawberries started to ripen!!!
I took some pictures of a friends daughter.
We celebrated Memorial Day at a wreath laying ceremony and a parade (we supplied the sound system so that filled up quite a bit of that day!)
    I was able to get in one hike on a battlefield trail.
I wanted to ride bikes and do all sorts of fun rides, but alas we were so busy that we only got one ride in.  We went to Hancock and rode the Western Maryland Rail trail one direction and then hopped on the C&O Canal for the return trip.  We had a nice picnic lunch after it was over.
We also did a LOT of yard and garden include hauling 1700 plus pounds of junk out of the woods, planting more of the garden, mowing (twice...once push once riding) clearing brush and weeding.

I found that it was more difficult to push myself to formally exercise while on vacation.  It was also much much more difficult to eat within my 1200 calorie budget.  I did my best.  I splurged a bit on some days. But I held on to most of the healthy habits that I have been working to instill in my life.  I have no regrets.  So without further ado........

The scales say..........221.7.

That is one pound up from last week.  I am gritting my teeth a bit because yesterday morning I was 218.4.  I did indulge in a dessert BUT I also rode my bike for 2 hours and gardened for 2 hours (shoveling).  I worked that dessert off!  I do know that I woke up thirsty which is usually a sign that my weight is up.  (taco salad last night....high sodium in the seasoning and even though I drank close to 100 ounces, I guess it still got me!).   But I'm accepting it and moving onward!

I'm quite ok with that number (frustrating because it was lower..but ok).  I've been on vacation and had horrible weigh in results upon my return.  One year I lost all control during vacation.  Desserts were a common occurrence that year.  I gave up on drinking water and went right to the diet soda.  I didn't do anything overtly active after the first day.  So I will accept my weigh in results from this last vacation with a smile on my face knowing that while I may have slipped a bit, I held it together quite well!