
Wednesday, March 06, 2013

No zumba!!!!!

When school is cancelled, there is no zumba.  I knew last night that the odds that there would be zumba was pretty slim.  But this mornign it was confirmed.  No one hour less of exercise today than I had planned.  What was I going to do?   I got a hair brained idea in my head.  What idea was that?   Why I was going to walk to work, two and a half miles away. It had always been a little inkling of an idea in my head to walk to work...but I had never taken the initiative to do so. They were calling for scads of snow...well over a this was a good idea to try today.  (I knew I could hook a ride home with any number of people that have a four wheel drive....and I knew that if the snow really did accumulate my little low Honda wouldn't be good to get home)

I started out...I was running a bit late because I had to find my snow boots. Little did I know....

I started out and the road was slushy. Within a mile even that slush started to disappear! I was happy as a lark walking along. At about mile two I wished that I had just rushed the wet feet with my tennis shoes as the ball of my left foot was burning as if it were getting a blister. (I'm hoping not as that will make tomorrow's run annoying and painful...a 22 minute straight run). The wind whipped on the open field sections.

I made it! I'm tickled. This idea has been in my head for a while...I've always let fear keep me from it. was just a 45 minute walk? These fears are stupid! Lol