
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Life Sucks

Life has been rough.

First lets talk about eating.  I had made a very concious decision to eat right.  To change and work on the only aspect of my life that I do have control of.  I started....and then as the stress mounted, food started to make me feel ill. I'm eating very that's actually not good. But at this time, eating alone is a chore.  Never thought I would say that.

The last week has been an emotional rollercoaster for me.  I've cryed at the drop of a hat. I've cried continally.  I want to cry now!   Part of the problems are personal in nature, so I won't share them.  But lets just say that I have come to the conclusion that some situations in my life have totally decimated my self confidence.  Words have damaged who I am.  Words have made me doubt the sincerity of so many things....when they pertain to me that is.   Above and beyond the self doubt and confidence issues...just life in general has gotten to me. 
My song....which I have listened to over and currently by really speaks to me!  Check it out!!!