
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wind..... Wednesday off of work. I woke up early and hit up a weight watcher meeting first thing in the morning. I posted a slight gain. Could it be water (we had a packaged/processed dinner due to time constraints the night before? Could it be that we ate later than normal on TUesday night (I had a late meeting at work)? Who knows? Am I worried and stressed about it? NOPE! What I am worried and upset about is that something clicked in my brain after my weigh in and well.....I decided to have a free day of eating. After my meeting I had a bowl of cheerios. Not too bad....not off target....just about right I'd say. Lunch we had turkey subs...homemade. (Whole wheat sub roll, turkey, fat free sliced cheese, lots of lettuce and onion). I had a serving of grapes and a serving of cottage cheese. Still not tooo bad. We went for a bike ride (more on that later) and then the problems began. Todd asked for lemon poppy seed muffins. Ohh yeah, I had some batter. Then I made a cherry angel food cake. (this is actually for work...for a pot luck that we are having tomorrow.....but of course I ate a little batter). THEN, I made homemade pizza for dinner. (wheat thin crust...but still.....I'd say probably 16 points for what I ate.) I did at least have applesauce with dinner. (hey, I normally eat between 5 and 8 servings of fruits and veggies...yesterday I was sorely lacking). When I went to bed, my stomach was HURTING! My body was saying, "I don't like the food choices that you have made!"

Todd and I decided to go for a bike ride yesterday. It was about 60 degrees outside. We decided to go down to the canal across from Harpers Ferry. Fun stuff. We bundled up...because 60 is still cold when you facter in the movement and all that. We hopped on the bikes and headed downstream. I honestly expected to not go very far as Todd hasn't been out much on his bike. I was thinking to Weaverton (lock 31 and back) Which would put as at about 6 miles total. I was ok with that...I could go home and ride the exercise bike to bet the rest of my time completed for the day. Todd complained about how cold it was. I laughed, usually I'm the one that's cold...but you can tell that I've been out more on my bike in the cold (I've gone out in the mid to upper 40's recently) and I WAS bundled up better than him. He acclimented to the weather...or it got warmer....not sure which...but either way he did eventually take off his outer layer leaving a teeshirt.....I actually took off of my outer jacket....leaving a teeshirt and sweatshirt, which I then eventually had to push the sleeves up on.). Anyway, we got to Weaverton and Todd kept trucking on along. WOO HOOO! I was faintly optimistic that we would make it to Brunswick....which is about 5 miles from Harpers Ferry....which would make a ten mile ride. WOO HOOOO...we made it. And Todd said, "lets go a bit further". We went to The catoctin Aqueduct.....9.5 miles from Harpers Ferry. We stopped to look around. We contemplated going another half mile to make it an even ten both ways...but we both like to turn at we decided 9.5 was enough for the day. We turned around. And worked our way back. The ride was nice.......UNTIL 2 miles from the end. And that is when the wind picked up. When I say it picked up, I really mean it picked up. Apparently the wind was whipping at about 20-30 mph! AGAINST us! I dropped to my lowest gear and I was pushing for all I was worth.....and my top speed? Ohh yeah, my top speed was 2-3 mph! At one point an extra strong wind hit me and it stopped me and pushed me backwards! (It was absolutely crazy). The wind was whipping up the dirt off the towpath and blinding me. All I can say is that the last two miles were pure hell! I worked HARD those last two!

My weight is up a little today. Not as bad as I expected. I'm glad I weighed myself though...becuase I need to see the damage that is caused by poor eating choices. I mean, I rode the bike for 2 hours yesterday....I shouldn't have seen a gain! My eating negated the weight loss that I could have posted after a great workout! That is sad!