
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Wedding Cake

Wedding Cake, originally uploaded by mfcstotler.
Ok, I just got back from the wedding....this is my post wedding update. Julie actually had realatively healthy foods. I had a turkey sandwhich, a small scoop of macaroni salad and some veggies off the veggie platter. I ignored the meatballs ( that wasn't difficult). I did not touch the potato chips! I drank diet soda and did not partake of the bar offerings. I did however have a piece of cake. It was not the little sliver of cake that the cake places actually say is a serving. But it was not a honkin' big piece that I would have cut for myself. :-) I didn't put any mints on my plate! Ohhh yes, I did have some green punch with my cake!

I will say. My water consumption thus far on vacation has been atrocious! I am probably not even getting 24 ounces of water. I haven't sunk so low as to drink 'regular' soda. Instead I'm doing diet drinks...but still! No worries though...I'll get back to it! Meanwhile, I"m enjoying myself and just trying to make healthier decisions for myself and not worry about it. Because to sit back and worry about every bite I put into my mouth makes this whole thing not worth it! This is life and there will be times when you have to temporarily throw in the towel, live on the edge so to speak. But the important thing is to not let one day or week or howoever long that temporary time is for to not slip into an extended time period. For me, it's vacation. My vacation is over on Thursday. Thus on THursday I'm back hot and heavy! :-) In the meantime, I'm going to live life and take it as such.
Two things about 'living' though.

1. It is so much more special to go and get these treats and yummy things! When I ate like this all the time, it was just ho-hum. I feel as if I"ve received the biggest treat from my little indulgances the last few days!

2. My body really does let me know that it would rather be eating the fruits and veggies and getting it's water. No I"m not sick...but it's let me know (I had a terrible case of indigestion this morning....yeah yeah yeah....way too much TMI!)


Wedding, originally uploaded by mfcstotler.
Just wanted to show a picture of my beautiful friend and her new husband! This is the girl that has helped keep me motivated to lose weight.

clabber girl museum

clabber girl museum, originally uploaded by mfcstotler.
Ok, we drove through Terre Haute, Indiana today on the way to my friends wedding. I had found that the Clabber Girl company (baking powder) had a museum. That was right up this baker/cookers alley! Of course we went! And of course we ate at the Clabber Girl bakery/cafe. Very yummy!

My eating is somewhat out of control....and I've got wedding cake in my near future!!!!! Well who cares as long as I still fit into my dress for this wedding tonight! :-) Speaking of that...I'd better go dry my hair!