
Friday, September 05, 2008

Turn this more excuses

Oh my word, I soooo can not be the one to GAIN weight during this challenge with my friend! I was up to 185 this morning! Ok, I actually just started to laugh in disbelief when I wrote that! I do think some of that may be water retention...I just literally could not get enough to drink yesterday. By about 3 in the afternoon, I had already drank a gallon of water....and I was still thirsty! They say that if you reach the point of being thirsty, that it's too late, you are dehyrated. My problem though...we worked outside yesterday (over two hours in the morning and aboutan hour or so in the evening)....and I kinda/sorta/maybe used that as an excuse to eat a little extra......5 points extra for the day. Yes, I journalled evey bite! But my new edict: No more eating extra! I have gathered my control about me and I'm not doing it again! I was exercising this morning (45 minutes on the exercise bike) and I was watching the biggest loser austrlian version season 2. The one guy was talking about a difference in he used to wake up and his first thought was, "i want to stay in bed and sleep and not face the day" Well, I'll admit that I do have days like that....everyone does....but for the most part, I get up raring to go now....and I get up early. It used to be nothing for me to sleep until 9 or so...and be happy doing it. Now my body naturally wakes me up between 6 and 6:30. And yes, I go to bed at the same time! Crazy!

Either way...I'm through with the excuses! When my points are gone, I'm done! And that is a difficult statement to make today....we had a BIG breakfast! I'm eating only 4 points while I'm here at work (that's what I packed...that's what I'll eat....I have no problem sticking with that....). That will leave me 6 points for dinner. I can do manage that.....lots of zero pointers coming my way to help round out my meal!!! :-)

All I have to say is Julie (the friend that I have this wager/reward thing going with) ,watch your back...I'm going to stage a comeback! (even though I'm 2.2 pounds HIGHER than I was when we started a mere 2 days ago...all I can do is laugh)

I was super productive this morning. I woke up at my normal time. I immediately hopped onto the exercise bike and rode for 45 minutes. I had just finished that and had settled in at my comptuer to catch up on some emails when I heard Todd a stirring in the bedroom. I went and asked him when he would like breakfast (we had agreed last night that our big meal today would be breakfast). "NOW" was his answer. SO I went out to the kitchen. I made his coffee and went to get the bacon out of the fridge. Well, I saw how DIRTY and crudy the bottom of the fridge was. (I don't notice it as much when the fridge is full of food...but we are a bit bare right SOOO I cleaned out the fridge! I cooked the bacon and then made us pancakes. (todd's with pecans...mine nutless) Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed the pancakes and bacon! I cleaned up the kitchen and washed the dishes. At that point I decided to do the last of the laundry. This really gets me...I've done 2 loads of laundry on Wednesday, 2 loads of laundry on Thursday and I did 2 more loads today! This is NUTTY! But when I think about it it does make sense. Already today I've worn a nightgown, workout clothes, shorts and teeshirt after my shower, and now I'm in my clothes for work! ANYWAY, two loads of laundry washed and hanging on the line. I created our menu for meals next week....and started the grocery list of the necessities to complete those meals and some other things that I know we need. I played around and took my picture for envisage365, packed my lunch and got ready for work and I still made it to work by 9:45 :-)

Todd informed that we need to pick green beans again. Don't know when exactly (either tonight or tomorrow) but that means I'll be canning green beans sometime really soon!