
Thursday, May 01, 2008

Happy May 1st! Well I'm a bit weight is up...even higher. How many times am I going to write entries like this? When will my will power meet up and match my motivation and desire to lose the rest of this weight. Today I kinda got into the homemade graham crackers that I was baking (I mixed the dough up last night....baked it this morning). I did however try to accomodate the rest of my eating today. I probably still ate a bit too much today. ALl I can do is move on and get myself back on track.

Meanwhile. I got on the exercise bike this morning. I rode for about 55 minutes.....15 miles. I was hot and sweaty.. but I felt great afterward. I need to keep focused and ride....ride ....ride. Exercise...exercise...exercise. Keep moving, that is the key to this. I know that I feel better after I've exercised. But I also know that my eating is much better when I'm exercising. I guess because it's fresh in my mind...or I'm looking foward to it (and not in a positive way) so I am reminded that I don't want to eat away all the good that I'm doign for myself. That is the only way that it seems reasonable as to whey things are a bit better and easier when I'm working out religiously. PLUS, the weight drops more easily...which makes me more motivated and I feel better about myself and my efforts.

For the month of April, I logged 159.89 miles. That's not too bad considereing for two weeks I literally squeeked my minimum mileage in for two of the weeks in the month of April. However, I'm going strong for May...started may out with a bang with my 15 miles! WOO HOOO