
Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

So far, I'm proud to say that I've been doing splendidly with my eating! My weight this morning was at 181.2. Definitely not my lowest...but so much better than my post binge weight! I've been working at it and really doing my best. In fact, mom had the hamburgers LAST night. I stayed for dinner....She served, cheeseburgers, macaroni and cheese (homemade) and chips. Uhhh yeah......that was healthy! I had green beans, a clementine, grapes and cherries....and a small spoonful (probably less than 1/4 cup) macaroni and cheese. I was very proud of myself! I also actually left mom and dad's house...meaning I left the kids and family that I see so rarely and actually went to the gym! I just did cardio...but I got it in! :-)

I'm crossing my fingers...hoping...and most of all praying that I can continue being so strong this week! I so want to make my 'new' New Years goal! (being in the 170's) At 181.2...and having a week left...It is possible. Yeah, I'd like to meet my original goal...which was 175....and with prayer it is possible...but I'll be happy with the 170 mark being met!