
Sunday, November 25, 2007

Waffle House

This morning I stepped on the scales. Wow oh wee. I was down to 183.8! That's almost where I was last Tuesday! I was tickled. SOOOO what did we do. We went to the Waffle House for breakfast before church. Yeah, not high fine dining...but good and greasy. Yes, I enjoyed the food. I did compensate my eating the rest of the day to manage my intake. I feel pretty good. We'll see how the scales treat me tomorrow morning. :-)

Seeing as how I used my 'morning exercise time' to go out for breakfast I was a bit worried about exercise for the day. We got home from church at noon. That gave me one hour before Todd's clients came in...rendering my exercise room closed for business. So, I hooked up the xbox and played about 40 minutes of dance dance revolution. I was proud that I was moving...but I "knew' that I wasn't getting the best of workouts. I then ate lunch and headed to town to buy groceries. Man, does that take forever! I came home....put everything away an mosied around a bit. TOdd got done work and we had dinner. And you'll never guess what I did after we ate dinner. Yessiree bob! I did a high intensity work out! Persistence!

I work from 7:45 until 2 tomorrow. So I've got my lunch all planned out in my mind...all I have to do is throw it together tomorrow morning. That should make it easier to fit my workout in!!!!!!