
Thursday, August 31, 2006


Well after my high intensity work out yesterday, coupled with all the walking that Todd and I did. FOLLOWED by making and canning applesauce until late last night, I slept like the dead and woke up tired and just worn out. I didn't even manage to get any exercise in. I made my breakfast, took a shower and here I sit. I did at least plan what we are having for dinner tonight. (Beef Stroganoff...7 points for the whole shebang). I haven't even packed my lunch for work yet...arrggghhhh. Lazy day!

I bought "The Biggest Loser" workout DVD yesterday. I thought it would be a neat one....especially since it doesn't need anything special (hand weights are optional...but I have them...and an exercise mat..which I have). What sparked this you may ask? Well, I am trying to shake up my workouts and try to stay out of getting in ruts (ie riding the exercise bike all the time...or hiking every day..etc etc etc). So I pulled out "The FIRM" Dvd's. I had them..never used them. I turned them on and low and need a Step. How did I miss that they use a step? Oh well. So yesterday I shopped...looking for a step. COME ON NOW! How hard can it be to find one? Well, apparently I didn't look in the right places. (I'm gonna eventually try Dicks Sporting Goods next time I am in Hagerstown...but we were in Martinsburg). So walking by the electronics section I thought it would be funny to see if they had "The Firm" dvds.....I mean to sell the DVD's but not the step...haa haa haa. I never got that far though. I saw "The Biggest Loser" dvd...which I've always been intrigued with, and bought it! I didn't have time last night...and I was too tired (having a hard time waking up this morning....remember) this morning. I'm planning on popping it in tonight and seeing how it goes!

Oh to work I go!

copy of lost 8-27-06 post

Sunday 8-27-06

Slow Sunday Morning

Our church starts late so it has been a lazy Sunday morning. I woke up and laid in bed a while reading. Pretty much between sentences (or at least every time I turned the page), I told myself to get out of bed and read while riding the exercise bike. Uhhhh, never happened.

Todd and I went to my bosses pool last night (she is out of town and offered the pool to us while they are gone). I tried to remain active the whole time I was in the pool by swimming and jumping around. I at first got angry at Todd because he was hanging on me and wanting to play in the pool. I quickly realized though that it doubled my weight and resistance in the pool...making my work out much more intense. We are planning on going to the gym this afternoon after church. We really need to get in a routine of visiting the gym again! That is the only way that I am going to get this weight off...and that is to exercise it off...while I am eating healthy!

I'm doing ok with the eating portion. I haven't really weighed myself. I'm trying to stay away from my scales...they flucuate way too much. Plus when I don't see drastic movement (yes, I know..slow weight loss is better) then I get all depressed and worried about it. I am thinking that I need to forget my scales and just weigh in at weight watchers. Well...maybe at the gym to see how they weigh me!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Very Exciting!

I am very excited! I went to my weigh in last night. I weighed in at 3.8 pounds down! Yeppers! That makes a total of 13.2 pounds gone in three weeks. Even better, I started my period this morning. I usually weigh in a bit higher right before that! Soooo, I'm trying not to be too optimistic but it is very hard not to!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Slow Sunday Morning

Our church starts late so it has been a lazy Sunday morning. I woke up and laid in bed a while reading. Pretty much between sentences (or at least every time I turned the page), I told myself to get out of bed and read while riding the exercise bike. Uhhhh, never happened.

Todd and I went to my bosses pool last night (she is out of town and offered the pool to us while they are gone). I tried to remain active the whole time I was in the pool by swimming and jumping around. I at first got angry at Todd because he was hanging on me and wanting to play in the pool. I quickly realized though that it doubled my weight and resistance in the pool...making my work out much more intense. We are planning on going to the gym this afternoon after church. We really need to get in a routine of visiting the gym again! That is the only way that I am going to get this weight off...and that is to exercise it off...while I am eating healthy!

I'm doing ok with the eating portion. I haven't really weighed myself. I'm trying to stay away from my scales...they flucuate way too much. Plus when I don't see drastic movement (yes, I know..slow weight loss is better) then I get all depressed and worried about it. I am thinking that I need to forget my scales and just weigh in at weight watchers. Well...maybe at the gym to see how they weigh me!

Slow Sunday Morning

Our church starts late so it has been a lazy Sunday morning. I woke up and laid in bed a while reading. Pretty much between sentences (or at least every time I turned the page), I told myself to get out of bed and read while riding the exercise bike. Uhhhh, never happened.

Todd and I went to my bosses pool last night (she is out of town and offered the pool to us while they are gone). I tried to remain active the whole time I was in the pool by swimming and jumping around. I at first got angry at Todd because he was hanging on me and wanting to play in the pool. I quickly realized though that it doubled my weight and resistance in the pool...making my work out much more intense. We are planning on going to the gym this afternoon after church. We really need to get in a routine of visiting the gym again! That is the only way that I am going to get this weight off...and that is to exercise it off...while I am eating healthy!

I'm doing ok with the eating portion. I haven't really weighed myself. I'm trying to stay away from my scales...they flucuate way too much. Plus when I don't see drastic movement (yes, I know..slow weight loss is better) then I get all depressed and worried about it. I am thinking that I need to forget my scales and just weigh in at weight watchers. Well...maybe at the gym to see how they weigh me!

Slow Sunday Morning

I woke up realtively early and read a little bit. I laid in bed, thinking (between sentences) that I should really motivate myself out of bed and read while riding the exercise bike. But, alas...bad me....I didn't do it. I did eventually get up and have been reading the boards on Weight Watchers. This for me is quite motivational. I know when I am losing the most weight, I am also focused on the weight loss. Almost obsessive abou it. Oh well, whatever it takes!

Last night after work Todd and I went to my bosses pool. (She is out of town and offered it to us to swim in while she was gone.) I swam or jumped around in the water for the whole 45 minutes we were there (would have stayed longer but a storm blew in..arrgghh). I actually had a pretty good work out. Plus, Todd was hanging all over me while I was trying to swim and jump around. It would have made me mad, except that it doubled my weight...and the work that I had to do to move.

Today after church, TOdd and I are planning on hitting the gym. We sooo have to get back into going to the gym on a regular basis. This not going has got to stop. I've got to get incredibly active. THat is the only way that I am going to get this weight off! Maybe I should also start wearing my pedometer on a regular basis. Working at the deli has got to be good for me in the aspect that I am on my feet and moving more than I would be if I had a desk job! Twould be interesting to see how many steps I do take a day.

I'm starting some challenges on the weight watchers boards. I am looking forward to getting as much motivation as possible!

I'm really trying to stay away from the scales. It is incredibly difficult now knowing where I am. But my home scales simply flucuate way too much! I will probably weigh myself today at the gym though. :-)

Friday, August 25, 2006

Another Week

Another week down and at my weigh in this past Tuesday, I found myself down another 3.2 pounds. This brings my total since starting weight watchers to 9.4 pounds. Yippee! My first goal is 24 pounds so I'm almost half way there!

I'm actually not having too much difficulty working with the point system. I am finding that I can eat quite a bit of food within my allotment, without using my flex points. Well, as long as I make a few minor adjustments! It also helps me if I have planned what we are having for dinner...or what I am eating wherever we are going. I can plan my breakfast and lunch better. I've been eating a lot of fruit. I need to kick up my vegetable consumption though!

I'm trying to be a whole lot more active. I am riding the exercise bike more, riding my 'regular' bike more and walking a whole lot more. I'm dragging Todd along for a lot of this also. So I can be happy and know that it is helping him also.

This process is so difficult for someone with no patience!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Last night we went to an Italian restaurant with my
brother, his family and my parents. I was looking
at the menu and KNEW the points value for the spagetti
and the lasagna. I saw manicotti and THOUGHT that it
would be similar to lasagna. Come on's
pretty close isn't it? WELLLLLLLLL I enjoyed it
greatly. Got home and went to the points menu in my
weight watchers books and low and behold it was
DOUBLE what I expected. I didn't blow my day too
badly. I was only 2 points over my daily limit.
I'm not worried because of the fact that we have those
35 extra weekly allowance points that I try not to
use..just for these occaisions... technically I
guess I now have 32 left. PLUS, apparently week
three I will learn about how exercise can add on points
to my daily allowance. For example someone told me
that walking like 15 minutes gives you one extra point
to eat a day. problem. I rode my bike for
30 minutes. So that 'probably' negated those two extra
points. :-)

Had some revelations yesterday. Went to the Waffle
House for breakfast. I was scanning the menu, ready
to face defeat and admit that I could get two eggs
and two pieces of toast and blow like 1/2 of my
daily allowance of points, when Todd mentioned a
waffle. I ran to the car and found it was only 5
points with a point extra for a teaspoon of butter
and one point for the syrup. SO I ate that. Much
less food than I would have normally eaten. Well I
got to work about an hour or so later and just had
an apple from my lunch, planning on eating my lunch
around 2 or 3. After all, I had gone to Waffle
house and had a 'big' breakfast (well, I used to
have big breakfasts at the waffle house). Round
about 2 I started feeling sick, My stomach was
feeling really weird. I was all worried. Then I
noticed that when I took a drink of water the feeling
would go away for about 10 minutes before it
returned. It got me thinking. WOW....the light
bulb clicked....I was actually HUNGRY. My body was
demanding food. I ate and I was ok. Ok, I know
this doesn't seem like a great revelation. However
to me it is. For years and years I have been eating
for the sake of eating, not really thinking about
the fact that my body really needs this food for
nurishment and to sustain my life. Since I was
simply shovelling food in, I so rarely got to the
point that my body was demanding food. Like I said,
yesterday was a huge revelation....actually allowing
my body to talk to me instead of my addiction to food!
Yes, I do have an addiction to food!

I've been exercising a whole lot this week. I woke up on Thursday and Todd didn't seem motivated to go out, so I hopped on the exercise bike. I was 15 minutes into it when he came into the living room and asked if I wanted to hike some. SURE...I would much rather go outside versus the exercise bike. So I quickly got dressed and headed out, we walked for 30 minutes. I then ALSO rode my bike to and from work!(15 minutes each way on the riding to and from work totals 30 mintues)
Friday I rode the exercise bike for 30 minutes and rode to and from work. Saturday I took it a bit easier and only did the exercise bike for 30 minutes. TOday, I dont' plan on riding the bike. I have already been out in the garden for about an hour picking. I'll spend a good deal of time in the kitchen today canning what I picked! Afterwards I need to clean the house. So even on my off day I'll be active. On monday we plan on going for a longer bike ride. I'm pretty excited!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

First week down

Well, my first week of weight watchers is past me. And 6.2 pounds are gone! Woo hooo. I'm pretty excited because it has been quite some time since I've been able to celebrate a movement downward on the scale. SO this is pretty big for me.

I did quite a bit of exercising thus far this week. I rode the exercise bike yesterday morning for a half hour and then walked/alternately ran for about 30 minutes yesterday. Today I got up and we walked for 45plus minutes. Then I biked to work and biked home. I'm going to try to exercise AT LEAST 30 minutes a day this week...and see how that goes!

Monday, August 14, 2006

The moment of truth is almost upon me. I go to my second week of weight I can see if I have lost any weight. The question is, is this diet working for me? I think it is one that I can stick with. It is really not much different than the calorie watching that I had been previously doing. This somehow seems more simple and consise. It seems easier to remember the point values than having to remember calories. We'll see though!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Moving Again

I've been tenatively watching the scales. I am happy to say that the numbers are going DOWN again! I know that this is because it is my first week back in the diet saddle again. However, at least I am moving! I'm still trying to be cautious in my excitement though....I know it isn't all going to be this easy!

It is just way too depressing sometimes to look at the foods I love and realize that to eat them would be to blow half of my food budget/allowance for the day. That depresses me. It also helps me realize exactly how I got to this position!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Weight Watchers

I desperately needed to do something. My weight has been sitting idle for some time. It is discouraging because I watch what I eat and don't see any change, which causes me to stop watching and therefore eat bad stuff, in bad quantities. So I up and did it. I went to a Weight Watchers meeting on Tuesday night and joined. I don't know if it is what I need. But I'm willing to give it a shot. I'm hoping kicks me into high gear and motivates me to actually stay true to the diet and not 'cheat'. So far it's a whole lot easier than I thought it would be. I'm actually not having any problems maintaining the point limit. I'm not tempted to really cheat this is still new! We'll see how this goes! I'm hoping to at least start losing instead of sitting at a standstill on the weight thing!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Random Thoughts

I got an email from a friend the other day. In it she was talking about some thought that she had about her weight loss. It really made me think. Why is this weight thing a huge problem. I've been stalled for the LONGEST time. I say I'm determined to do this. But why do I fall so easily. My friend talked about how she doesn't feel pretty so subconsciously she has no desire to lose the weight...why bother. She mentioned that she doesn't bother with make up or the frilly girl things because she feels it would be worthless....I know I definitely fit that bill! I'm wondering how much of the rest is true with me. My husband tells me that I'm pretty as do my parents. But I don't feel pretty. I often wonder what I'll look like when I'm thin. I wonder if I'll be pretty. I dont' know..... Maybe I'm afraid to look in the mirror and see what I'll look like without these pounds to hide behind.

Things are going so slow for me. I'm not losing....I'm struggling with the eating...and I struggle with the exercise! ARRGGHHHH

Friday, August 04, 2006

Coke or Water?

Saw this on someone elses Blog.....interesting that at the moment of reading it I was literally taking a sip of Diet Pepsi. It immediately turned yucky tasting in my mouth!

Water or Coke?


1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated

2. In 37% of Americans, the thrist mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.

3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as much as 3%

4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study

5. Lact of water: The #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page

8. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

And Now for the properties of COKE

1. In many states ( in the USA) the highway patrol carries 2 gallons of coke in the trunk to remove blood from the highway after a car accident.

2. You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of Coke and it will be gone in two days.

3. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl and let the "real thing" sit for one hours, then flush clean. The citric acid in Cike removes stains from Vitreous China.

4. To remove rust spots from Chromecar bumpers: Rub the bumper with a rumpled-up piece of aluminum foil diped in Coca-Cola.

5. To clean corrosion brom car battery terminals: Pour a can of Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several minutes.

6. To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking pan, wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake. Thirty minutes before the ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix with the coke for a sumptuous borwn gravy. (not on my eating plan!)

7. To loosen a rusted bolt; applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola for several minutes

8. To remove grease from clothes; Empty a can of coke into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent and run through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola helps loosen grease stains.

9. It will also clean road haze from your windshield.

For Your Info

1. The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. Its pH is 2.8. It will dissolve a nail in about 4 days. Phosphoric acid also leaches calcium from bones and is a major contributor to the rising increase in osteoporosis.

2. To carry Coca-Cola syrup ( the concentrate) the commercial truck must use the Hazardous material place cards reserved for Hightly corrosive materials.

3. The distributors of Coke have been using it to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years.

Now the question is, would you like a coke or a glass of water?

I think I will drink more water but buy coke for my cleaning closet!
We made it through a VERY HOT carnival sound job. It was 100 plus degrees outside (yes, literally.....with a 'feels like' temp of like the shade!) I felt bad for the fire company that was putting on the carnival.....the heat kept so many people away. I was talking to one of the guys and he was talking about how sparsly attended it was. But, it was hotter than hades to work and unload and reload and set up and all that stuff! Let me tell you ....if a person could lose weight
based on how much they sweated...I'd have lost a few pounds in sweat alone!
I changed my clothes (everything...underwear, socks and bra included)
three times....when i was sorting laundry this morning I pulled the clothes
out ofthe bag that they were in....DRENCHED with sweat. But, happily we drank and made it through ok. :-)

Mom and I (and Karla) are thinking about starting weight watchers together. I'm not sure. I have been watching the calories....maybe I need something a little more structured though. Something that watches the everything....all combined into the point value. So I'm really thinking seriously about doing it!